

What is ELFET

Elfet is a chemical free innovation that uses a bio-mimicry process to impart naturally optimised resonances into materials.

Elfet uses proprietary frequency techniques and software to create these subtle energy products.

These combined processes can best be described as “electromagnetic tempering”.

Elfet Nano resonance chamber

Optimised resonance techniques

All Atoms vibrates on a specific frequancy

Everything vibrates

Energy illustration

Its not a mystery

Tri-Vortex imparts a subtle vibration into treated materials
Sympathetic Resonance

Sympathy, the essence of Life

Tri-Vortex Geometry

Sound, Light & Energy are all Geometry


ELFET Resonance Techniques
  • Easy to install. 
  • No plumber needed
  • Instructions included

It is hard to believe that in this day & age, with all the info out there, that there are still people who don’t have water filtration system in their homes. Our latest special offer for our water filter & Tri-Vortex products, aims to close this gap.

As an entry level system, this is ideal for households becoming aware of the dangers of drinking plain tap water

There are of course more expensive & more ideal filtration systems available, but at least this gets rid of chlorine & heavy metals as a start – and importantly, the disc will allow you to structure the water.

  1. Table top water Filter
  2. Bangle – (Code BSSA)
  3. Water Disc (WD-36)

ELFET Catalogue

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Please use sliding bar on left side to scroll through catalogue (pages 1 – 7).

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Looking forward hearing from you –

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